Our work shines!
Finishing includes the various process steps of painting through to the completed surface. For example, in vehicle painting these can include the filler, the primer, the top coat and the clear coat.
Typical finishing processes are the air atomizing HVLP (HighVolumeLowPressure), air-supported airless and electrostatic spray processes.
In the field of multi-component systems the task involves optimally dosing two or three components of a mixing formula, mixing and applying.
The FluidSystems delivery program includes both mechanical as well as electronic systems. The latter are even approved for ex proof areas. Our systems can also evaluate the consumption quantities of various materials, save up to 90 recipes and determine solvent consumption according to VOC guidelines.

Applications and requirements
- Multiple coordinated process steps
- Various consumable materials
- Different surface finishes
- Solvent consumption according to VOC guidelines
- Diverse formulas
- Certified for Atex
- WHG authorisation
- Manual and automatic applications
Water /solvent-based paint
- Rapid colour changes
Range of products
Our portfolio for application in the automobile industry including the following product lines:

Mobile Spritzgeräte


Farbsystems Mischsysteme




Giving advice
We will gladly give you advice per phone concerning our product and sector-specific solutions.
Call us on
+49 (0)2129 349-0

Find out more
Download our product and industry solutions brochure with the following link.
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